Technology plays a very prevalent role in modern society. Technology’s dominance in our everyday lives touches not only work, business, and travel but also relationships. From communication to entertainment, technology has impacted almost every aspect of human life. While technology has brought numerous benefits, it has also significantly impacted human relationships. All types of relationships in human society, including romantic and between friends, form a complex process influenced by many factors. Among others, the pace of life and technological development can affect relationships differently, depending on the circumstances. In this blog, we will discuss that what are impact of technology on human relationships.
The Rise of Social Media
In recent years, various individuals have raised questions about whether technology disconnects human beings from one another or actually strengthens relationships. Of course, there are applications like FaceTime, Skype, etc., but there are also concerns about whether individuals are losing the ability to connect without devices. People deny face-to-face interaction while using social media calls.
Reduced Physical Interactions
Technology has also reduced physical interactions between people. People does not prefer face-to-face meetings. The coronavirus lockdown that forced millions of people to work from home also accelerated online communication tools—meaning we get even less human contact than ever before.
Increased Reliance on Technology
Too much of a good thing is almost always problematic, and technology is one of them. There is no rule of using it. To this day, many individuals are living with addictions to technology by using social sites and video games. Spending a fair amount of time on these platforms is one thing, but people engage with it as much time the problem is arise.
Increased Feelings of Loneliness
Despite the increased connectivity, technology has also resulted in increased feelings of loneliness. Social media create false connection which only wants fun. We cannot find true personality of anybody on social media. That hurt much after some time and many of the people taken the wrong step after betray.
Reduced Empathy
Technology has also reduced empathy in human relationships. It is easy to send empathy messages or talk to anybody about their problem. However, in a human relationship they cannot feel your emotion as compare to face-to-face meeting.
Online Dating
In recent years, online dating is very common. It is very easy to meet new people and start relationship that may not have been possible. It is natural to want to appear as attractive as possible in these areas in order to bolster one’s chances of finding a dating partner; however, this often leads people to misrepresent themselves as far as their age, weight, health, and pictures go.
Gaming and Addiction
In many relationships, time spent gaming is reasonable and is not perceived to weaken the meaning of the relationship. However, in many respects, gaming is perceived as problematic. In a survey of 900 married couples, 35% of the couples disagreed on gaming and it caused arguments.
Distraction From Real Life
Complaints about people using their phones or tablets at inopportune times, such as dinner, meetings, etc., are almost universal pet peeves. Sometimes, individuals can become so preoccupied with checking the news or reading their Google alerts that they neglect the relationships and people outside their scenes. This is inherently problematic and can certainly lead to fractured relationships if the behavior is habitual.
Technology has many benefit with also some bad impact of technology on human relationships. Excess use of technology increased feelings of loneliness. The overall survey results show that higher levels of technology use and technoference adds up to significantly less time spent together as a couple, less satisfaction and connection, and higher levels of depression and anxiety.
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